Housing and urban planning
Kanpur Development Authority is planning to develop additional 33700 ha for growth of city. In the master plan 2021, provision for inner and outer ring road, new terminals, vegetable and grain markets and development of new colonies in close proximity to commercial hub has been proposed. The preparation as well as approval of master plan has taken more than 7 years. Master plan should be speedily approved and implemented in the city. Steps should also be taken to move industry to conforming area and to ensure good connectivity to new markets and terminals. Most of the residents stay in one to two room tenements indicating large EWS/LIG population. Large number of residents uses their premises for work cum residence purpose. No new colony has been developed by private colonizers. An estimated 1.8 lakh additional houses are required by 2013. Huge requirement for additional housing is felt besides meeting existing shortage. Housing industry itself can stimulate economy of Kanpur.
The strategy for planned development will be speedy development of planned townships, stimulating housing development through public –private partnership, improvement in quality of KDA/UPHB housing, reservation of 25 percent area for EWS housing to avoid formation of new slums, location and demand led construction of EWS housing, differential pricing in mixed land use areas and outsourcing approval of building plans and granting completion certificates.