Suggestion Count Kanpur@2047

The following table shows the total ideas/suggestion received, till date, from the residents of Kanpur.
To give your idea/suggestion Click here
Total Suggestion 10074            (Till date- 27/07/2024)
Agriculture Sector 479 Art & Culture sector 412
Communication & broadcasting Sector 179 Economy sector 388
Education Sector 1440 Electricity sector 171
Environment Sector 972 Health sector 808
Housing & urban development Sector 283 Industry sector 274
Informations technology Sector 279 Smart Policing Sector 284
Law & Order Sector 383 Science sector 403
Social Development and Welfare Sector 345 Sports sector 354
StartUp 166 Travel & Tourism sector 330
Women Empowerment Sector 713 Transport sector 486
Other Sector 300